Wednesday, August 29, 2007

New Car Seat Cover

Samuel's Britax Marathon car seat is so nice, but Samuel sweats like crazy in it because the cover is made of nylon. I have been wanting to get him a 100% cotton custom cover, and today my mom bought him one on eBay. Thanks, Mom! It is adorable! In case you're wondering, it is brand new, and it was made by a seamstress like my mom but with more time on her hands than my mom has. Here's a picture of the cover. I consider it unisex because it's just animals. The pink you see is just from the elephant's ears. (Jeremy, don't freak out, ok?)

I will take a picture of Samuel in it once it arrives. I can't wait for it to get here!!! By the way, there are custom covers for infant car seats too. I wish I had known that...


  1. First we are taking a class called the Music Class. I think you could find it the internet. They have several locations in Atlanta. I will forward the next email I get from them too.
    I like the cover. We now have 2 Marathons. I think Carson has the same cover as Samuel, but Macie has a girly one. Hers actually seem a little better for the heat! I have been talking about trying to get an extra cover in case we need it. We have actually only had to take Carson's off once to clean it. He use to sweat really bad too but doesn't do it much now. Of course when he was turning the heat on in the back of the van both kids were sweating!
    Keep us updated on how the cover works for you.

  2. That cover is great! I would love to know the name of the seller on ebay!
