Monday, May 19, 2008

My early riser...

Samuel's antibiotic really did the trick because he is playing, sleeping through the night, and happy. The only disturbing thing is that he has gotten up at 6:45 or 7:00 since the ear infection started. I'm hoping it's related to the ear infection and not a permanent thing since he's always been a good morning sleeper. My dad says maybe he's becoming an early riser, but I'm not giving up on him sleeping later for me. I know 6:45 or 7:00 is normal for some of your children, so you're probably thinking that I'm nuts or asking too much. Maybe so... Is it bad to feel like I deserve a break since he didn't sleep through the night until he was 15 months old? Maybe so, but this mommy isn't giving up hope just yet. Today my dad bought a blackout shade for his new room, which is very sunny in the mornings. Maybe that will do the trick, or maybe I'm just going to have to go to bed earlier. We live in close quarters, and I just can't sleep through him waking up.


  1. Glad Samuel's feeling better! Hang in there with the bedrest. I know it gets old quickly. It's so worth it, though.

  2. Macie has been waking up before 6AM the last week. If Samuel is up at 6:45 tomorrow, you can think of our poor household! I am moving her to one nap so hopefully she will start sleeping a little later. (She use to sleep until 7).

  3. I'm hoping Samuel goes back to sleeping in for you. We are one of the early rising households and if I could somehow get Megan to sleep in, oh what a blessing that would be. Unfortunately for us it doesn't matter what time she goes to bed - 7pm or 9 pm, she's up by 7am. Thankfully she's realized there is no way I'm going in her room before 7 am so on the days she wakes up at 6:15 she plays quietly (yeah, I still wake up and hear her) until 7. I'm soooo not a morning person, it's been a real "die to self" experience for me to have a morning child. So if you can get your early mornings back - praise the Lord.

  4. I forgot to mention that I have a coupon for a free trial month of Blockbuster on line - if you are interested I'd love to share it with you. I did Netflix while on bedrest and it was soooo nice!
