Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Heavy hearts

(our home in Beaufort)

Today Jeremy and I have heavy hearts and would ask you to pray. We put our house on the market one year ago. We were immediately told by our realtor that even before the housing market took a dive, Beaufort was never the place to sell a house in the summer. Beaufort is mainly a town for retired folks and military, so there isn't the summer demand for homes like there would be elsewhere. It's also a very hot place in the summer, which deters buyers. I forgot to mention that a lot of military has decided to rent because of the bad housing market, which I can understand since they know their stay in Beaufort will only be a few years.

Please take a few minutes to pray. Pray for the Lord to send someone to look at our house who will fall in love with it and want to put a contract on it. Pray for this to happen quickly since summer is now here. You can also pray for the Lord to send more work Jeremy and Spencer's way since we are paying for two residences and the bills that go with a house. Jeremy thought he had a roofing job that would have started yesterday, and the guy isn't returning his e-mails or phone calls. They also put a bid on a condo job near our house, and they never called Jeremy back. This is very discouraging for all of us involved.

**UPDATE- Just a few minutes after I posted this, I received an e-mail from our realtor. It was an e-mail from another realtor stating that her clients like the house and the floor plan. They said it was well-maintained and in good shape. According to the e-mail, they saw the house on Thursday and might have gone back over the weekend. Please pray!!!!

Thank you in advance for your prayers! God bless each and every one of you!!!

1 comment:

  1. I had never seen your house in Beaufort from the outside...it is beautiful! We'll continue to pray for a buyer soon!
