Friday, June 20, 2008

Vance Thomas Holloman

This has been an incredible week for the Hollomans. The Lord answered two big prayers. We feel so blessed! I will post the other answer to prayer in a post below.

On Monday Jeremy and I went to my doctor's appointment as planned and ended up at Northside Hospital. After a few short hours, Vance Thomas was born weighing in at 8 lb 3 oz and measuring 20 in long. He is quite the miracle baby! The cord was wrapped around his neck twice, and there was also a knot in it. That made labor and delivery interesting since his heart rate wasn't as high as it needed to be. We praise God for a healthy baby! Samuel is enjoying being a big brother. Samuel loves to tell Vance that he loves him and he enjoys giving Vance hugs and kisses. We are so thrilled!


  1. Congratulations!!!!! We are so excited for you guys - for both the arrival of Vance and for the contract on your house. That is so awesome! Enjoy all your boys!

  2. Congratulations on all accounts! Vance is another cute boy:)

