Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Vance at one week and two weeks

I wanted to let you know how Vance is doing. He is quite the sleeper and is growing like a weed! We couldn't be more thrilled with him! Here are his stats from his trips to the pediatrician:

1 week - 7 lb 11 oz. -down 8 oz. from birth- (40%)
21 1/2 inches long -up 1 1/2 inches from birth??- (90%)
14 in. head (40%)

2 week weight check- 8 lb. 9 oz. (up 13 oz. in one week, which makes Mommy especially happy.)

Now for pictures:

1 week old

2 weeks old

Now that I've shared the good news about Vance you can pray for me. I have an infection and haven't been feeling well for over a week- fever, chills, aches, pains. Thankfully I got a new antibiotic today (since I had been given the wrong diagnosis last week) and have the hope that I will feel better soon. Now if I can just figure out how to prevent this same infection from happening again.


  1. i hope the antibiotics work quickly! that stinks!

  2. He is quite a cutie! Both your little boys are. Praying for you to feel better - I can't imagine what it would be like being sick with 2 kids and trying to nurse and get back into the swing of having a newborn. Being sick with Megan was exhausting - so I'm also praying you get some rest and recover at an amazing speed!!
