Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Unpacking, unpacking, and more unpacking...

We made it safely to our new home. It was a long 6 hours in the car for this pregnant mommy and her toddler, but we that's not important now. I will say that I'm staying away from car trips between now and when Vance is born. I truly believe that he sits on my bladder, which makes things interesting...

We've been busy ever since we got here, and I will be thrilled when the last box is broken down. Thankfully, we have some wonderful family and friends who have helped us pack, move, unpack, organize, and entertain Samuel. Not to mention the awesome soup that Amy made for us on Sunday night. I feel blessed to have some kind, helpful people in my life! You know who you are, so for the sake of time, I will not list your names.

My aunt and uncle are visiting from Clarkesville, Georgia. My uncle came in with his own painting supplies and quickly got to work. He has always been a worker, and I am thankful for his help. He painted almost all of the family room today. I love the color. It's a taupe. You would have to see it because the name doesn't do it justice. We're using that color for most of the house because it's a warm color. (Jeremy already painted the kids' rooms last week in bright kid colors. I love them!) Since we didn't paint our old house other than Samuel's ceiling, it's a nice change to see some color on the walls.

I'm off to conquer the hall closet. The closets overwhelm me. I look forward to Amy helping me again on Friday because she's great at organizing a room. She made the kitchen seem like and easy task when she came over on Monday. My in-laws helped me get a good start on it, but I was beyond overwhelmed with what was left. I was so worn out that I couldn't think.

More to follow in a few days!


  1. Let me know if you need more help. Days can be crazy, but I would be happy to help.

  2. Ooo...closets...I love closets now that Michael taught me how to fold towels hotel-style. I'm going to bring the shelf liner stuff I have so you can use that. See you Friday. You'll have to post pictures of your house once it's all ready. I can't wait to see the living room.
