Tuesday, August 19, 2008

An overnight pull-up that won't leak???

This is my 2nd post of the day. The first was about Vance's well visit. See below.

HELP!!! Samuel is now wearing Huggies nighttime pull-ups to bed. The problem is that he's waking up in wet pajamas each morning. He is obviously a heavy wetter. Do any of you have any suggestions for nighttime pull-ups that will hold more?

Oh, and I just found a $2.00 coupon for Huggies Pull-Ups that you can print at home. You are allowed one coupon a month, so that's exciting news! Just look for special offers here. (You will have to register before you can get the coupon.)

Thanks in advance for any nighttime advice you have!

Update- Thanks for your advice. Samuel has done fine the last two nights with the pull-ups. We don't give him liquids after dinner, but sometimes he doesn't use the potty before or after his bath even though we put him on it. (You can't force it out of him, right?) I think him actually using the potty has made the difference. Maybe we will take him to the potty after reading books to him if he didn't go before or after his bath.


  1. I haven't tried anything but Huggies, so don't know that I'll be much help - but what we did was think of other ways to cut the wetting. Is he drinking after dinner? We cut that waaaay back and it helped a lot. David got up in the night once or twice and went and took Emily to the bathroom just to see if she'd go - she went and went right back to sleep. I know that is high maintenance, but it worked for us and she waits until the morning now to go to the bathroom.

    Thanks for the link to the coupon!

  2. Carson is still in the Huggies night time pull ups. He can not wear the day time ones to bed. We still have issues at times. We have also started getting him up and taking him to the bathroom before we go to sleep. Most of the time this works. I have also hear there are something called diaper liners. They are suppose to increase the absorbancy of diapers/pull ups. If he will let you, I would just keep wearing diapers at night. Carson did this for a long time. He is now 4 1/2 and it is still going to be awhile before he is dry at night. We try every now and then, but he just can not do it.
    Keep me posted.

  3. They are actually called diaper doublers. From what I just read they are cheap and work.

    You could also try going up a size. I recall we have had to do that with C.

  4. I have not tried this myself (even though Jacob wakes up wet a few times a week) but I read this on the Parent Hacks website:


    Might be worth a try - I think it's the same idea as what Sandy mentioned, but might be easier/cheaper to find.

  5. Thanks for your advice. Samuel has done fine the last two nights with the pull-ups. We don't give him liquids after dinner, but sometimes he doesn't use the potty before or after his bath even though we put him on it. (You can't force it out of him, right?) I think him actually using the potty has made the difference. Maybe we will take him to the potty after reading books to him if he didn't go before or after his bath.
