Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"Me too little."

This is my second post in a few minutes, but I just had to share something cute that Samuel just said. I asked him if he wanted to make cupcakes with me, and he said, "Me too little." I got a kick out of that. Such a sweet little boy. These are pictures I took right after he said that.

Quick update

I wanted to let my friends and family know that I haven't disappeared off of the face of the earth. Much has happened since Vance was born, and I haven't had the time or the energy to blog. Here is our news-

1. Vance is 6 weeks old and thriving! He was 9 lb. 14 oz. at his one month appt. on July 17, which is the 50th percentile. His height is in the 97th percentile. Samuel always had the same percentile (and still does), so it looks like he is following after his brother!

6 week picture of Vance:

2. We closed on our house yesterday. Praise the Lord! We are so thankful!!!

3. My grandmother Drewry (Mom's mom) went to be with the Lord on Sunday night at the age of 93. (Yes, 93 years old. Can you believe that?) I thank the Lord that He worked it out for all 4 of us to make the trip to Beaufort to see her before she died. It happened to be the same time we needed to go to close on the house. Coincidence- I think not! I know the Lord orchestrated it. We were able to spend about 30 minutes with her before a nurse took her to bed for what turned out to be the last time since she was sedated and medicated and then died 2 days later. Grandma was able to meet Vance, which she seemed to enjoy, as you will see in the picture below. She also got a huge grin when she saw Samuel. She always loved seeing Samuel! I am happy that I was able to tell her that I loved her and give her a kiss one last time. We will miss her so much, but we thank the Lord that she is with Him and no longer in pain.

Our time with Grandma

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Samuel and Vance

Here is a picture of the two boys wearing the same outfit at 3 weeks old.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Vance at one week and two weeks

I wanted to let you know how Vance is doing. He is quite the sleeper and is growing like a weed! We couldn't be more thrilled with him! Here are his stats from his trips to the pediatrician:

1 week - 7 lb 11 oz. -down 8 oz. from birth- (40%)
21 1/2 inches long -up 1 1/2 inches from birth??- (90%)
14 in. head (40%)

2 week weight check- 8 lb. 9 oz. (up 13 oz. in one week, which makes Mommy especially happy.)

Now for pictures:

1 week old

2 weeks old

Now that I've shared the good news about Vance you can pray for me. I have an infection and haven't been feeling well for over a week- fever, chills, aches, pains. Thankfully I got a new antibiotic today (since I had been given the wrong diagnosis last week) and have the hope that I will feel better soon. Now if I can just figure out how to prevent this same infection from happening again.