Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Summer in Beaufort

It's a sunny day in Beaufort! It's been a little bit cooler the past few days, which is nice! Samuel and I are on our own. Jeremy is coming home today from an unplanned 3-day stay on Pawley's Island. He left on Sunday to do a few hours worth of work and bring his tools back to Beaufort that night. So much for that plan!

Jeremy is coming home to a scraped up son. Last night Samuel took a fall from the bottom porch step. He fell on his back, and then rolled over, doing a face plant on the oyster shell and concrete path. The scrapes are very minor, but his nose looks bad... Poor kid!

On a different note, for the past week, we've been putting Samuel on the potty seat once or twice a day, and he's already had 3 successes. We don't know how much he understands, but he did try to flush the toilet on Sunday night after he had gone. We will continue on our quest to familiarize Samuel with the toilet!

Today my mom and dad left for San Francisco to visit my brother John for the next week, so Faye and Jack are coming into town to dog sit and to see Grandma. I know Faye and Jack are looking forward to spending some time with Samuel!

Samuel turns 15 months old on Friday and has his well visit then too. A few weeks ago he weighed 23 lbs. when we were at the doctor. That was quite a growth spurt since he only weighed 20 lbs. at his 12 month visit. Way to go Samuel! We will see what he's gained since that visit.

Soon I will post a video of Samuel dancing, pointing to his body parts, and making animal noises. We tried to get one the other night, but Samuel wasn't cooperating. Maybe he'll cooperate today.

Have a good day!


  1. Yeah!! I'm so glad you're doing this. I'm still learning the ins and outs of blogging, but it's a good way to keep our families updated.

  2. Sounds like things are going well around there. I was actually in Beaufort last week and drove through your neighborhood. I wasn't sure if you were stil there or not and wasn't exactly sure where your house was. I would love to see Samual in person!

  3. There's my favorite little nephew!


  4. Samuel, I am so upset to hear about your fall!!! Your mom and dad are getting all A's in parenting!!! I miss all of you, but I'll report that your Uncle John is doing well and has your picture in several places in his apt.

    We'll see you and your mom and dad on Thursday. I miss you and love you. You are precious in every way.

    Grandmom Ertter
