Saturday, July 28, 2007

Videos of Samuel for your viewing pleasure

These videos are from July 21 and July 24.

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I love Saturdays!

This morning I mowed the grass and cleaned the house while my aunt Faye watched Samuel. I'm trying to get the house ready for the open house on Monday. After Faye left, I put Samuel down for a nap and started looking at some blogs. Big mistake because now it's an hour later, and I'm still looking. I want to share some of my findings with you because you might be interested too.

I first found a recipe for homemade yogurt. That's what started this...

Then, I saw that she had a link about homeschooling:
I was amazed by what I read!

Then, I found myself looking at some healthy recipes:

Here are some of my favorites for my toddler:

Whole wheat choc chip cookies:

Whole wheat pizza crust:

Whole wheat rolls:

Whole wheat tortillas:

You can check out her entire website:
I find it very interesting. She's got a lot of good advice.

I need to get back to my cleaning...

Have a great Saturday,

Friday, July 27, 2007

15 month doctor's visit

This morning Samuel had his 15 month check-up and shots.
He weighs 23 lb. 10 oz. and is 33 in. long. That puts him in the 40th percentile for weight and 90-95th percentile for height. Those percentiles are pretty normal for Samuel. As the doctor said, "He is tall and lean." The doctor said that Samuel is doing very well. Samuel seemed pleased with the doctor too, but it's the nurses that he didn't like so much after they gave him 2 shots. This was the first time that I have stayed in the room for Samuel to get his shots. I normally let Jeremy hold him while I leave the room, but Jeremy's on Pawley's Island (yet another unplanned 2 night stay). Samuel cried for about 10 seconds, and then he was fine again. I think it's the shock more than anything that upsets him. Thankfully he only has one more Hep A shot in 6 months and then only yearly flu shots until the 4 yr. old shots.

I don't like the thought of changing pediatricians when we move. Samuel has been around Dr. Tim since he was born, and I also feel very comfortable with him. Wouldn't it be nice to keep the same doctors forever? I feel the same way about my OBGYN. I wish he could deliver the rest of our babies. (Please don't inform Jeremy that I put an "s" on that word.)

Now that the shots are over, please pray for Samuel. He always has a fever of about 103 after his shots and then for several days he has a low grade fever. With that fever normally comes some fussiness. I pray he does better this time!

Has your child ever had night terrors or nightmares at Samuel's age? Jeremy and I feel like Samuel is having both. I talked to the doctor about this, and said that it doesn't normally last past the toddler years. Of course, who really knows because I still talk in my sleep and sleep walk at the age of 32.

I still find it hard to believe that my baby is now a toddler. Didn't I just take these pictures???

1 day old

5 days old

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Surrounded by books and sporting scrapes from yesterday's fall

Samuel is quite the bookworm. I took this picture a few minutes ago. You might notice the scrapes on his nose from yesterday's fall. Samuel can often be found surrounded by books. He also brings us books and says, "boo", when he wants us to read to him. He hasn't gotten the "k" in book to come out yet. We can't wait until Samuel can read those books to us!

Realtor Open House on Monday, July 30

Our realtor has scheduled our house to be part of a Realtor Open House on Monday in our neighborhood. We ask that you pray for this to be a success! We would love for it to bring more showings and a sale our way. Thanks for praying! We will let you know how it goes.

Summer in Beaufort

It's a sunny day in Beaufort! It's been a little bit cooler the past few days, which is nice! Samuel and I are on our own. Jeremy is coming home today from an unplanned 3-day stay on Pawley's Island. He left on Sunday to do a few hours worth of work and bring his tools back to Beaufort that night. So much for that plan!

Jeremy is coming home to a scraped up son. Last night Samuel took a fall from the bottom porch step. He fell on his back, and then rolled over, doing a face plant on the oyster shell and concrete path. The scrapes are very minor, but his nose looks bad... Poor kid!

On a different note, for the past week, we've been putting Samuel on the potty seat once or twice a day, and he's already had 3 successes. We don't know how much he understands, but he did try to flush the toilet on Sunday night after he had gone. We will continue on our quest to familiarize Samuel with the toilet!

Today my mom and dad left for San Francisco to visit my brother John for the next week, so Faye and Jack are coming into town to dog sit and to see Grandma. I know Faye and Jack are looking forward to spending some time with Samuel!

Samuel turns 15 months old on Friday and has his well visit then too. A few weeks ago he weighed 23 lbs. when we were at the doctor. That was quite a growth spurt since he only weighed 20 lbs. at his 12 month visit. Way to go Samuel! We will see what he's gained since that visit.

Soon I will post a video of Samuel dancing, pointing to his body parts, and making animal noises. We tried to get one the other night, but Samuel wasn't cooperating. Maybe he'll cooperate today.

Have a good day!