We have had a rough time since Wednesday. Samuel had a low-grade fever all day on Wednesday and then spiked a high fever that night. I was alone with Samuel since Jeremy didn't come home until Wednesday night at 1:30 AM. There are 2 things that make me extremely nervous- high fevers and vomiting. Since my mom and dad were at church, I immediately called Jeremy who was with the husband of a friend down the street. He told me to call his wife for advice. She was sweet. I was glad I called her because I was about to give him Tylenol, and she said that Motrin does a much better job bringing a fever down. She also told me to put him in a tepid bath. After following her advice, his fever came down enough that I was comfortable putting him to bed. The fever was still high though, so I checked on him in the night and gave him more Motrin in the night. Wednesday night through Friday night I lost a lot of sleep. Jeremy took him to the doctor on Thursday to find out that it's just a cold. Thankfully the fever has been gone since Friday afternoon, but Samuel is teething, which is why I was up with him on Friday night (and so was Jeremy). Three of those molars still haven't come through yet. I would love for them to come through soon because I know he is in pain!
On a positive note, Samuel turned 18 months old today. I can't believe my baby is a year and a half. That seems impossible! I wish I could say that we celebrated today, but I was miserable due to lack of sleep and Samuel is still congested. It was a long day!!! I'm praying for a good night's sleep tonight!
Here's a recent picture of Samuel. He didn't want to have his picture taken...
I was wondering if you had gone out of town. Sorry you had such a rough end to the week. Hope he is all better now.