Yesterday Jeremy and I celebrated 7 years of marriage. It's funny how anniversaries are quite different once you have children. I remember going away for the weekend when we celebrated our second anniversary. I also remember romantic dinners. Those were the days! This year was quite different, but that didn't make it any less special to me. We had a nice day together- Samuel slept in until 8:00, which was late for him. Then, Vance gave us an anniversary present by taking a wonderful 2 1/2 hour nap, which was a huge blessing (more on that later). We took Vance and Samuel to church at 11:00. It was Vance's second time in church but his first time at our church. Vance slept through everything but the clapping. After church all 4 of us went to lunch at Jason's Deli. It wasn't exactly what I picture as a anniversary spot, but it was nice to have relaxing family time out of the house since I am spending a lot of time at home these days. After lunch, we went home to put Samuel and Vance down for naps, and we watched a movie that Jeremy had rented. I don't even want to mention the name because I wouldn't recommend it to anyone- Jeremy got it because it looked like a chick flick and he was trying to please me... Samuel took a great nap, but Vance decided he wanted some snuggle time on the couch with Mommy and Daddy. Since I desperately wanted Vance to sleep and didn't want to wake Samuel with Vance's noises and tears, I held Vance on my chest while he slept. (Once again I will share more about Vance's issues in another post.) We stayed at home after naps. We can always find ways to entertain Samuel at home, which is good since it's a challenge to venture out with a 7 week old baby and a 2 year old. Later on, we took the boys to return the movie and make an exchange at Target. By this time it was dinnertime, and we had no clue what we were going to eat. It's a good thing we got a call from friends in our Bible study. Bible study had been cancelled, but they invited us to eat dinner with them. We had a nice dinner; Samuel and Vance both did great! After dinner we put the kids to bed and went to bed too.
Oh, and we got two more presents from the kids- Vance slept 5 1/2 hours straight last night and then both boys slept in this morning until 8:15, which was nice since we are SO tired!
Last but not least, Jeremy, you are my media naranja. Thank you for 7 wonderful years. I love you more each day and treasure my time with you! You are a wonderful husband and father. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us in the future! The picture below was taken a few weeks before we found out we were expecting Samuel. Can you even remember those days????
OH MY GOSH...HOW DID I FORGET!?!?!?!?! When do you all want to go out? We're wide open this week and could do Friday or Saturday, too. I feel so bad especially since we had talked about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!